Fall bpAcademy Classes Coming Soon!

The fall session of bpAcademy begins on Sunday, September 29. Classes will continue to be held at Prairie High School at 9:30 a.m.

  • Spiritual Growth: Real Change for Real Sinners

    With Ryan McKinney

    Sundays, 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.

    Most of us know that as followers of Jesus we should be growing in our faith and spiritual life, but often times we struggle to feel like we are actually growing, or we feel that we don't even know how to grow. The basic point of this class is that change is a matter of going deeper. Some believers think that growth happens through outward improvement, intellectual addition, or felt experience, and all three of those are present in our spiritual development. Bur real growth happens when we deepen ourselves in Christ, so join us each week in this class as we seek to deepen ourselves in Christ and grow in Him. The textbook, Deeper, by Dane Ortlund, will be available at the first class session on September 29.

  • Old Testament Survey

    With Dave Brown

    Sundays, 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.

    Is the Old Testament a confusing collection that seems mostly irrelevant today? This class lays a foundation for understanding the Bible by introducing the biblical covenants and God's kingdom. You'll learn the unifying themes of the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings that make up the Old Testament. You'll also gain an understanding of the historical and cultural background, the geographical and political settings, the issues addressed, and the major contributions and modern relevance of each book to the development and growth of God's people. The textbook, Old Testament Survey, by House and Mitchell, will be available after church in the Prairie High School commons or in the church office in September. 

Secondary Title

Summer 2024 bp acadmey classes

The following classes are offered for the Summer 2024 session of bp Academy. Classes have already begun,

but you can join in to learn after a class has started.  Summer Classes will be held at Prairie High School in classrooms at 9:30 a.m. The classrooms are down the hall to the left after you enter the PHS foyer.

  • Financial Peace University

    Sundays, 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. 

    Are you stressed financially? Has debt got you down? Do you want to be a wise steward of God's provisions? Join Financial Peace University (FPU) each Sunday this Summer. We'll dig into financial stewardship principles from God's Word and turn them into real action in our lives. You'll learn how to eliminate debt, live within your means, and invest in your future and God's eternity.

  • Difficult Bible Passages

    Sundays, 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.

    Each Sunday we will examine one or more passages that are hard to understand, which will be chosen with input from class participants. Get help with these passages and learn some study principles which will help you better understand your Bible.