Secondary Title

Spiritual Life

This course will consider the biblical principles and practices of living Christ’s new life in real life.  The pace will be a little slower than some of our classes, to allow for more reflection, discussion and even a little sabbath rest. If you lead a small group, this class could prepare you to lead your group in the topic.

We will use the book Dwell: Life with God for the World by Barry D. Jones as we consider topics that will include: What is spirituality and how does it happen? What is God’s purpose in our salvation? Is spirituality just about my personal walk with Jesus? How can we experience more of the Spirit’s life in our life? What does church have to do with spirituality? We will also consider several practical topics such as spiritual gifts, prayer, reading and journaling, feasting and fasting, and serving and sabbath.  

Course Book:

Dwell: Life with God for the World
